In the midst of chaos, the world celebrated the new year with various contradictions and confusions.

When will the permanent peace of the human race be realized? Did the message to the international society from a girl of Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai, really reach the leaders of the world?


“We call upon all communities to be tolerant – to reject prejudice based on cast, creed, sect, religion or gender. To ensure freedom and equality for women so that they can flourish. (…) we must not forget that millions of people are suffering from poverty, injustice and ignorance.

We call upon the world leaders that all the peace deals must protect women and children's rights. (…) we want schools and education for every child's bright future. We will continue our journey to our destination of peace and education for everyone. “


Her speech at the United Nations on July 12, 2013 inspired many people. In order to let the international community take a step further with her message and to share the yearning for peace with children of the next generation, we planned "Children’s Art Festival".


The first festival will be held at Donostia= San Sebastian City, a scenic city facing the Bay of Biscay, in Basque Country, North West Spain. Every year the World Film Festival and the International Music Festival are held in this city. We hope that the children will learn new ways of thinking and points of view from the interactions with foreign people of the same generation and that the experience will be an invaluable aid in their growth. We also hope that they will provide each other with traditional culture and performing arts of each country and receive them with rich sensibility.


We would like to hold the festival in various cities of the world, including the sister cities of San Sebastian, in the future. We sincerely ask for your cooperation and support.


Donostia Spain Children’s Art Festival Executive Committee


< Place >

Donostia= San Sebastian City, Spain. At Congress Hall and others.

 < Date > - Scheduling -

       1st choice: May 2015. 

< Main qualification >

   - Elementary school to high school students and similar people

< Quasi Eligibility >

   - Parents who support and guide children in art and cultural activities

     A qualification is not necessary. Any genre is welcome.

< Participation fees >

Expenses for transportation (round trip), accommodation, shipping costs of equipment and exhibition expenses will be covered by the organizer.


< Prospective participants: artists who nurture the next generation >

Mr. Nori Ushijima (Painter, lives in Barcelona), Itteki Bunko Ningyo-za (Minakami Tsutomu Ningyo-za), Tomoko Yamashita (Storyteller of The Tale of Genji), etc.

Painters, performers, musicians, calligraphers, and leaders of music and arts from overseas.

                                           -Translated by Chie Aoyama-


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  6/13/2014  曽根悟朗



   06/01/2014 曽根悟朗 
 石破の「集団的自衛権は抑止力」という愚劣な政治感覚に踊らされる日本。ロシア・中国・イラン、それに付随した北朝鮮、シリア等の結束を硬化させ、世界の緊張は更に高まるだけです。軍事行動を憲法において否定されている日本だけが、上海宣言参加国と欧米各国を、対話と協調への場へと導くことが出来る唯一の国なのです。拒否権がある故に国際協調への行動能力を失っている国連。憲法9条による軍事行動の全否定と、集団的自衛権を持たない日本だけが、この役割を果たすことが出来ます。安倍、石破の知能の低さと想像力の欠如が今日本を誤った道へと導こうとしています。ウクライナやシリアに於ける解決不能と思われる諸問題に対し、対話の道を構築し、新たな世界秩序へと門戸を開き得るのも、公平な理念に基づいた仲裁裁定を積極的に行う事が出来るのも、現状では日本だけなのです。「目を覚ませ・地を這うことしか知らない政治家諸君!!      05/25/2014  曽根悟朗