International Citizen Court
International Citizen Court

 International  Citizen  Court


     1)     The Nuclear Plant Accident caused by the  Tohoku Great Earthquake Disaster, showed the destructive power beyond  human intelligence and it's  serious effect on the human body and  local communities, not to mention contaminating our mother sea the source of life on earth.


             Prime Minister Abe tries to operate Nuclear Power generation again and sell its technology to  other countries, and although we Japanese experienced nuclear hell twice in the past, why  does't he learn from past experience? Because Abe is a member of strong nuke promotor family, and the leaders of Liberal Democratic Party, such as Shinsuke Kishi and Eiichi Sato are of the same family, too. For a long time they have been controlling Ngata-cho town,  the centre of a politic, economic and financial community . 

            On  January 1st 1954, a Japanese fishing boat, Daigo-Fukuryuumaru, was exposed to radiation by a thermonuclear test in Bikini Atoll,  and anti-nuclear movement became active. Yet for the purpose of economical development, the Japanese government positively accepts nuclear power generation as Eisenhower said "atoms for peace".


             At this time the person who worked most for it, was Matsutaro Shoriki. He was the one who was leaking the information to CIA and also to Yomiuri journal and Nihon TV,  where he was a representative .

(He was a member of the House of Representatives at that time. His CIA code name was Podium and Pojacpot-1, and companies codes were Podalton)

             He cut the tape in opening ceremony of Tokai Nuclear Power Plant, the first plant in Japan. So these top media companies completely manipulated  information to cheat the Japanese nation.


             With such corruption in politics, we have no way prospects to change to a safer energy system. Even the existing law court in the Hague, Holland doesn't fulfill its function.  So this time we start establishing an international organization, such as the Environmental Law Court , which would give the possibility of  investigating the cause of contamination and to enlarge protection of our natural environment  by penalty.


     2)      Selfish manipulation of national confidential information by government often occurs on a daily basis by political leaders. It brings the Doctrine of Democratic Sovereignty into contempt.

     If you found a harmful secret, that was a danger to our nation's safety,  you would like to leak it to the public. It is natural feeling as a thoughtful human being.  But those who leak information, must be imprisoned with hard labor.  So actually we have no way to accuse the government.  This is the standard state in many countries.


              Once the leaders are chosen by the nation's vote,  they seem to make a policy plan of self-protection.  Then government  and nation's tax become their possession.  How should we  break such a situation?

              The only way is to appeal to international public opinion for such a phenomenon and  to scatter the concept based on  justice on the citizen's side. We take the world's citizen's views as the dweller and we umpire it .  It is the duty of an international citizen court , then to convey the right way of justice for all  countries. Mass communication  all over the world as well as the nation concerned, would be their aim.



Contents and purpose of the activity and agreement matter

(1) Global environment pollution with the nuclear material

(2) Global environment pollution by the CO2 pollution

(3) Global environment pollution by  de-forestation

(4) Marine pollution with the pollutant and  waste

(5)  Check of the development and sales of  substance which contaminate

     and annihilate  or  decrease  living animals plants and insects

(6) The complete disposal of nuclear weapon

(7) Check of the national confidential information concealment


* This organization is made up of all  people on earth .

* We are not concerned with any power structure, such as a nation or a  government .

* The accused issues are  investigated thoroughly .

―we try to collect and research  information,

―discuss all in light of law under the open principle

―decide by a vote of participant for the judgment.

―our vote  leads to our judgment  ,

but when this judgment does not reach 70%, we perform a re-vote,  and  settle upon the decision of majority by the third vote.  This means that decision by majority does not necessarily become the absolute justice.

* This organization is mainly  organized by  citizens all people 12 years or older, regardless of race, religion, and gender. 

*The under 12's  also have the right to sign, but the signature of one of the protectors is necessary at the same time,

 even if an opinion for the judgment may be different from the protector.


* In addition, a right  of the expectant fetus will be  established with the signature of the parents. Even if, unfortunately, it died  before one year old, the right to vote is valid  until  12 years old and is inherited by one of his parents.

This is based on the idea of enabling participation of all existing human's on  earth.

* We perform  and  maintain the organization by the contribution of all the group.

* But  the contribution is not included in a participation qualification.  If anyone can confirm an individual identification, qualification of participation is given.

*  When you notice  the violation that you  accuse,  and if there are more than ten signatures , it would be accepted.

* The place and time from where you accuse does not matter,  and you can accuse via the  WEB.

* If you  confirmed the matter  under accusation, you will be able to pursue the responsibility.

 we can trace back to the point of time when the cause occurred.  There is no statute of limitations.

* We never demand solution by  military power.


We will realize the setting up of the International Environmental Court  which should achieve the purpose mentioned above.

We will embody this organization to correct the lack of an indiscriminate moral idea's of the government of all countries. We will judge the past cases without exception, and use it  as an engine to prohibit environmental pollution for our bright future.   Help us in whatever way you can.

NGOs Civilian Platform JAPAN

Joint representation;

            -Yuriko・Kudou. Rimiko・takashima. Setsuo・fujiwara. Chie・Aoyama  .Hirokazu・Nishida.ー

We intended to share the message,  which transcends a conventional concept, with all lives that are on the earth.

We should  give a right to  vote to all animals, plants and insects, but they do not have the means to express it.

We must try to find a new way to count  the votes of persons or organizations, which reflects their thoughts.

Long sustenance of a peaceful and quiet earth is the top priority and greatest value for us.

Our sense of value is completely different from the one of people who are always seeking power, wealth and fame.

 But children and people in Africa and  world poverty zones, and people in rich countries seeking money, wealth, fame, still basically have the same value .



-Shinzo Abe  promoted Japanese "Specific Official Secrets Act" and it self.

-The death of more than 700 neighborhood inhabitants by the Fukushima No.1 plant accident of Japan.

-Health damage to local inhabitants

-Global environmental pollution and flowing out of  polluted groundwater into the ocean

-The organization or person  that  introduced nuclear power generation,  or  concerned with as a cooperator.

-Japan Nuclear Electric, Japanese Government, Tokyo Electric Power, Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd.

 -Matsutaro Shoriki. Nobusuke Kishi. Ichiro Hatoyama. Hayato Ikeda. Yasuhiro Nakasone, Others.

                                  <Translated by Yuri Shichida>


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  6/13/2014  曽根悟朗



   06/01/2014 曽根悟朗 
 石破の「集団的自衛権は抑止力」という愚劣な政治感覚に踊らされる日本。ロシア・中国・イラン、それに付随した北朝鮮、シリア等の結束を硬化させ、世界の緊張は更に高まるだけです。軍事行動を憲法において否定されている日本だけが、上海宣言参加国と欧米各国を、対話と協調への場へと導くことが出来る唯一の国なのです。拒否権がある故に国際協調への行動能力を失っている国連。憲法9条による軍事行動の全否定と、集団的自衛権を持たない日本だけが、この役割を果たすことが出来ます。安倍、石破の知能の低さと想像力の欠如が今日本を誤った道へと導こうとしています。ウクライナやシリアに於ける解決不能と思われる諸問題に対し、対話の道を構築し、新たな世界秩序へと門戸を開き得るのも、公平な理念に基づいた仲裁裁定を積極的に行う事が出来るのも、現状では日本だけなのです。「目を覚ませ・地を這うことしか知らない政治家諸君!!      05/25/2014  曽根悟朗